Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien

Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien
The misadventures of Ozzy and Tolkien at home

Monday, 29 June 2020

Oh great....apparently summer is here so is getting rather hot and the hoomins are not doing anything about it….

See? I’m hot and bothered and hoomins are not around to serve you when you need them!
Well, here we are again another week has just passed and hoomins are of course at home and still behaving rather silly (you know with their new obsession with exercising and trying to keep fit…such nonsenses really)…and to top it up summer is also here and last week was unexpectedly hot at home....I mean what happened to the good, cold summer weather we are so used to here in this country?
You know of course that I’m not one of those cats that likes to moan a lot....despite what my hoomins might be saying or thinking about meowself (and Tolkien is not included as he is still too young and stupid to have an opinion here or in any other important matter of course…by the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon ). 

Yes most definitely, I’m not one of those cats that like to moan and complain a lot despite the fact that there are always so many good reasons for doing so....And of course I don’t like moaning about the weather either, I’m not like the hoomins of course who like to talk about the weather all the time…such a bad habit really. You see I’m used to the weather we have in this country and to be honest and thanks to my hoomins it is always warm and cosy at home (yes, I do admit it, hoomins are good at something at last, keeping the place we live nice and warm all the time....hmm maybe a bit too much it might seem after all, especially in the summer months when it is in generally hot like it was last week!).

So and although I don’t like to complain especially when it comes to weather as there is not much that anyone, hoomins or cats can really do about it but then again there are some occasions when, well, you know, you have to have some strong opinion on the matter.....when it gets too hot for example and it is almost impossible to find a good cooling spot in the house (by the way I’m not one of those cats that like sleeping on the floor no matter what the weather is like….the floor is really rather hard for my delicate body who likes soft places….even the hoomins in some occasions as they are not that hard to sit or sleep on of course!). 
Of course it doesn’t get often too hot in this country or at least to those extreme levels when it becomes uncomfortable at home but still you do get sometimes some days or even some weeks when it gets really really hot and you can’t even find the right cooling spot in the house where you can have some good uninterrupted napping time.....
In such occasions I will of course moan as I have every right to do so and blame the hoomins for not been capable to provide meowself with sufficient cool and comfortable places in the house. You know it is their duty after all to make sure that meowself (and Tolkien....of course) are comfortable and cool enough and don’t suffer when it gets too hot....You see I know that they do have some cooling devices well hidden somewhere in the house but they never seem to be bothered to take them out so they can put them in good use. I also do not accept their excuses that it’s not really hot enough as the house stays quite cool because it’s location....In my opinion last week was too hot in the house (even Tolkien thought so too....poor Tolkien this is his first adult summer and he didn’t seem to be coping well with the hot weather…well his fault really. He shouldn’t have so much thick fur).
Here Tolkien appears to be melting...that hot weather was a bit too much for him last week!
But at least the hot weather only lasted a few days and now we are finally back to the normal summer weather, you know rain, wind and low temperatures....the way I prefer it really. Nope I don’t like hot summer days especially when hoomins are also using my favourite spots and there is not enough room to stretch on the sofa or on the bed....why those hoomins don’t ever sit on the floor, why do they need to occupy my sofas, chairs and beds? 
So and hopefully this hot spell was the last one we would see this summer so I won’t have to suffer ever again…Nope I’m not a summer cat it seems!

By the way and despite what my hoomins might think or saying about meowself these days chasing Tolkien around the sofa is actually a fun game to play and they should try it for themselves instead of trying to do silly yoga or any other exercising nonsenses....I also like to make it clear that what it might look as starring at nothing is not by any means any attempt from my part to freak out the hoomins and to make them believe that I see ghosts....there is a very good explanation for when meowself and Tolkien stare at nothing....which I’m not going to tell don’t really need to know everything you know!

Anymeows time for a little snack before my late night play session around the sofa with Tolkien....hoomins shouldn’t be still awake that late in the night....ghosts and spirits might be lurking about you know!

Purrs and meows till next time!

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

There are also new range of products bases on our new comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available to buy ...the Comic Collection 

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Monday, 22 June 2020

A cat at home is always a great help to do work, house cleaning and exercising!

Sometimes you just can’t take it anymore with the hoomins being at home all the they need to talk to my paws instead!

Now and if you remember, last week, I’ve mentioned how us, cats, always help our hoomins as we’d do a lot of jobs at home and which jobs of course and unfortunately are not always being appreciated or acknowledged by our hoomins!

Of course some might say that this is something that it should be expected from the hoomins as they are not in general very good at recognising and appreciating what others that they are non hoomins often do (even dogs along with other non hoomin animals that live with the hoomins) everywhere and not just at home....I’m talking about in general as hoomins tend not to understand and of course appreciate that they are other creatures out there living in this world which do a lot of things to keep this world as it is....let’s say to keep it in good working order....unlike some hoomins of course!
But let’s not sidetrack here and make things too complicated for the hoomins to understand,.
So let’s go back to those jobs that us, cats, do almost on a daily basis at home. And to be clear I wasn’t planning to go to such a big detail about the things I do for the hoomins especially these days that they are at home all the time and they need our assistance (we are always here for them of course, mentally and physically), Tolkien too (by the way you can read all about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

Last week I’ve mentioned the most obvious things that we do at home, some of which even the hoomins might today I thought I’d mention the other stuff, you know the things that hoomins might not consider that we cats actually contribute to a lot....because you know why of course!

So there are more other things that we do for the hoomins especially now that they are at home always such as helping them with their work which now they’re doing at home during the day and even at late or in the early morning hours because it is quiet and hoomin says she can be more productive she says....wherever hoomin. The point is that I’d always give a paw to the hoomins or at least to one of them to do their know sitting on the hoomin, on the laptop or tablet, knocking things from the desk, attacking the mouse (which by the way is not really a mouse...hoomin is clearly mistaken again), sitting on papers to keep them warm as well, etc, you know all the helpful things that I can do from my part....hoomin you are more welcome!

Then there is of course the house work which meowself and Tolkien are always very keen to help with such as doing the bed....I usually leave this type of work to Tolkien of course who has now become very good at helping the hoomins and who hoomins of course seem to actually appreciate all the help they can get.

Tolkien here is helping the hoomins with the bed....Tolkien is always very helpful!
I prefer to help in the kitchen instead you know with cooking, hoomin food tasting (wherever in the house this might need to take place....I’d help the hoomins with their food everywhere) and also dish cleaning....I’d always clean the plates or bowls after the hoomins have finished eating....and I’d even help to clean the cooking pots and trays they’d use in the kitchen....again you’re welcome hoomins! Tolkien also does a lot of floor cleaning for the hoomins as well and often he likes to roll on the hard floor and pick up on his fur a lot of dust and other unindentified objects!

Also and now that the hoomins have this new strange hobbit of doing exercising (and trying to eat healthy which of course I don’t actually approve either) I’m also there for them and try to help them when they are doing their exercises and I’d even try to rescutite them when they seem to be dead....relaxing or whatever.
Actually Tolkien tries to help the hoomins with their exercises as know by creating obstacles in front of them by lying on the floor in front of the hoomins’ feet so they have to try and avoid know a form of cat twister....sometimes I’d also get involved too. You know we’do everything to help our hoomins to keep fit....again you are welcome hoomins!

So and as you see we contribute a lot on a day to day basis and help our hoomins to do their work, house work and even their exercises so they can stay fit and are welcome hoomins.

But I don’t expect of course a lot of thank you from the hoomins…they just need to make sure to give me a bit attention when I need it and to also make sure that my food and biscuit bowls are never empty....small things to ask for doing sooo much for them!

Till next time
Purrs and meows!

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon)

There are also new range of products bases on our new comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available to buy ...the Comic Collection 

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Monday, 15 June 2020

All the important jobs that us cat do when hoomins are at home (permanently it seems) without being acknowledged!

I’m also and often helping the hoomins in the kitchen I’m keeping away those dangerous pesky drops!

Here we are again another week has just passed and the hoomins are acting more peculiar than ever (and I’m not just referring to their new trying to get fit obsession…).
You know and when you have just used to have the hoomins around all the time and finally have accepted the fact that they are not to go away any time soon (which really it proves to be not a bad thing after all anymeows)....things then are starting to change again! 
I mean hoomins have always been very unreliable in general as they can never seem to be able to stick to their own decisions when they keep saying that they would do one thing and then decide to do something else instead. You know when they’ve kept saying for weeks now that they were now permanently indoors hoomins and suddenly and unexpectedly pfft they’ve changed their mind and they’ve started going out again....well at least for a little while but more frequently than before...well, my hoomins that is. But I have seen the signs of such things to come as more and more hoomins are now outside again and my own hoomins are getting also excited about being able to go outside again....not to their workplace at least as they are now working apparently permanently from home which of course for meowself and Tolkien is a very good thing....To be honest I have most definitely now changed my mind and I don’t want my hoomins to go out ever again....I prefer to have them at and available at all times (you can read all about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon)

Of course some hoomins then might also say that we cats might have used this recent and current situation to our own advantage by making sure that we are getting a lot of attention from the hoomins while they are at home and becoming very demanding and some might even say destructive in some occasions if our demands are not met....
Which of course is just false accusations made up probably by those that they don’t like us and want the hoomins and the rest of the world to think that we are very manipulative and lazy...not true of course!

Tolkien of course is not much of help around...he is a bit too lazy for a cat it seems!

This is why I thought that this is a good opportunity for meowself to try and explain how kind, understanding and important we are us, cats, to our hoomins especially at times when they have to spend all of their time at home and when they quite clearly are depending on us!
You see us, cats, do a lot of very important jobs at home which often they go unnoticed and they are not being acknowledged or appreciated by our hoomins. We do these jobs day in and day out because we care and we want to help our hoomins as much as we can, especially in these difficult times!

You see all you hoomins out there you seem to forget that us cats are always around ready to help when we are needed (which is more frequent than you can imagine). 

Us, cats at home we are the best inspectors and checkers of many situations, some of which can even be rather dangerous....

You know and you probably don’t even realise that it is us who always are checking dangerous places like cupboards, wardrobes, draws and even shelves where hazardous things and even threatening creatures might be lurking....we want to make sure you see that our hoomins are safe when they are opening cupboards and draws, etc. We also have to check all new things when they are being brought home from outside such as shopping bags as there are so many things that they can be hiding inside those bags and of course and the most dangerous of them all.....checking those boxes that they so often arriving from amazon.... those boxes they can be such a big threat, believe me, especially to hoomins who often are not aware of such a danger!

We also often test for the hoomins other dangerous things such as their food. We need to make sure of course that it would not harm them and that is safe to eat. This is why I’m  always insisting that my hoomins allow me to test their food from their plates....I’m their food tester you see!

I also have to check frequently the places they go when at home because they can be still proved to be harmful to the hoomins especially those mysterious dark places like the bathroom where they often like to go and insisting on closing the door as well....Those places can be very hazardous to all and especially to hoomins so it’s my cat duty to accompany the hoomins to those places no harm comes to them!
Our jobs of course doesn’t involve only checking places and things around the house. Oh no....You see, us, cats we are also very good therapists too and we help our hoomins when they need us the most.
We are known to be very good at helping the hoomins when they are feeling stressed or they are depressed (you know stroking us and listening to some cat purring are the best treatments a hoomin can get at home) as well as giving them massages or warming parts of the body by just siting there such as their head (and other bodily parts of course). We’d even sit on things that the hoomins are often using such as the bed, chairs and sofas and even in some cases the keyboard they use to do their work to warm them up for them...

And of course let’s not also forget how good we really are as interior designers which means that if it wasn’t for us the hoomins’ homes would have looked so boring and uninspiring. We are always willing to help with decorating the furniture such as sofas and chairs, and we’ll often remove unnecessary items that they don’t look really good in certain locations such as shelves....We will also frequently change the colour of certain pieces of furniture by adding our own unique fashionable touch…by applying some of our own fur....Meowself and Tolkien of course and as you probably already know we are very good with carpets....which is our speciality.... you know we always move them around to better locations in the house!

So yes we do a lot of important jobs at home, a lot more than the ones I’ve just mentioned above and which of course it would take me a very long time to mention them all. Besides it is getting late and it is time to go and check on my hoomins as they would probably already missing me and worrying that I have not been around to keep them company.....besides it’s dinner time anymeows!

Purrs and meows till next time!

Well and if you want to check that earlier mentioned comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

There are also new range of products bases on our new comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available to buy ...the Comic Collection 

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Monday, 8 June 2020

Being home all the time is not good for the hoomins it seems as it has some strange effects....

See? Here I am helping my hoomin with his office work... now what does this thing do?
So here we are and another week has just passed since those stranger things started to happen such as hoomins disappearing from outside and then suddenly deciding to spend more time at home keeping company to their cats and other non hoomin members of their family for no apparent reason…although some hoomins appears to have started to emerge now…hmm not sure though that it is really such a good idea!
But yes the whole thing it was rather sudden and very unexpected and at first a rather unpleasant experience some might even say. You know when you had used to the idea of having the home to your meowself during most of the days and then having and without any warning the hoomins becoming indoors only as well and to stop going outside frequently and for long period of times as they’ve used to. I mean my hoomins even stopped going outside on weekends which was soooo peculiar as they’re usually enjoy doing or at least they’ve used to....yes it was so sudden and strange....So at first as many other cats in the very similar situation I wasn’t very happy to have the hoomins on my paws all day and most nights too....You know it felt that it was too much getting all that attention and breakfast very late in the morning and of course not having the house to meowself (and Tolkien of course....and you can read all about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon) not only during the day but also at night time as well when hoomins used to be asleep and meowself and Tolkien could then have a little meow time to ourselves to play and have some fun.

But of course and after of so many weeks of the same situation I’ve finally realised that hoomins, well my hoomins at least, were here to stay for good and that the whole thing was after all the best thing that it could have happened to any cat as it seemed to be working in my favour.  By having the hoomins at home it also meant that I would never had to have empty food bowls ever again and being bored especially at times when Tolkien can’t be asked to play....yes and as I’ve said it before it is really good to have your hoomin servants at home all the time as you can always make use of them when you need them even when they appear to be busy....
I mean my hoomins tend to do during the day (and the other hoomin often during the night) what they call work but of course that is not something that it really has any affect on meowself as I can still get the attention I want....As you only need to sit on the hoomin’s lap or walk all over their laptop’s keyboard and they would simply give you all the attention you’s so simple and it never fails....hoomins can’t resist you!

That Tolkien sometimes  behaves like a rather lazy long annoying cat!
And of course having the hoomins at home all the time it doesn’t really mean as some other hoomins might say that we are very likely to develop certain bad habits because we are being served (not spoiled) so well by the hoomins. Meowself for example as well as Tolkien of course we have not become very attached to the hoomins..quite the opposite in fact as we like and try to have our own space. Now and in the few occasions that we might have been seen to be following the hoomins around the house is just because we just want to make sure that the hoomins would not come to any harm to know how careless sometimes these hoomins can be. Besides it is a well known fact that the hoomins don’t like to be left alone so we’ll occasionally follow they don’t feel lonely of course.

On the contrary it is the hoomins I think that they have started developing some rather peculiar (some might even say bad) habits since they’ve become indoors only...
Like for example doing a lot of what they call exercising and even trying to eat healthy because they keep saying that they need to keep fit and stay healthy....I mean I have never seen them eating so much fruit and vegetables before and moving so much when they are at home....I’m really worried that they would soon force us to do exercising as well too....I really don’t like the idea of doing cat yoga and most definitely I’m not at all keen on eating healthy and losing some weight....after all I’m not fat...I just look deceivingly round....

As for this other accusation that I have been heard to be singing at night it’s of course utterly nonsenses...I’m not doing any singing or make strange’s all Tolkien of course...he is the one who likes talking and singing....

Anymeows better go has been a tiring day after know helping the hoomins with their work and try to keep them entertained now that they are at home all the time so they don’t get bored and start doing silly thing like exercising it’s such a hard work for any cat.....

Purrs and meows till next time!

Well and if you want to check that comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available on Amazon

There are also new range of products bases on our new comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available to buy ...the Comic Collection

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Monday, 1 June 2020

About such silly things as bullying and any other false accusations that you might have heard....

See? When you need one there is no one around to entertain you!

So here we are again, at the start of another month, the first summer month of course and things once again haven't changed that much....well OK maybe they have changed a little bit....not sure if it is for the better or the worse though! Hoomins going outdoors again….hmmm!
Well and anymeows my hoomins are still at home full time and now I know for certain that they have become indoor only hoomins. Although the other day they did something very peculiar which kinda surprised both meowself and Tolkien....because and as you’ll see it was so out of character for my hoomins to do so....Very unexpectedly they both went outside at the same time, you know together....Of course they do still occasionally go outside for some time, mostly to do what they call shopping especially one of my hoomins at least but never together. They haven’t gone outside together for many many weeks now...But that wasn’t the only thing that it was, no! It was the time they went outside...very very early in the morning....Meowself and Tolkien were still asleep on bed when the hoomins, OK, one of the hoomins got up (the other hadn’t gone to bed yet it seems) and then they both went outside for sometime. They were talking about doing something like watching some kind of birdies and wildlife of some sort that apparently  it needed to be done early before other hoomins were out and about or other birdies or something similar….which of course it didn’t make a lot of sense!
Well the whole thing it was too ridiculous in my opinion as they could have easily watched the birdies from the livingroom or bedroom windows since we get a lot of birdies on the feeder (along with that pesky squirrel of course and who by the way is back again....yesterday he spend most of the afternoon in the feeder chomping away all the poor birdies food....such a troublesome bushy tail creature) and of course and most absurdly the idea of actually seing any hoomins outdoors...really now, they are no hoomins outside anymore or at least they weren’t any till recently of course! (By the way you can still read all about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon)

Tolkien is sooo stupid...he thinks he is going to catch that pesky squirrel!

Although today I must admit I’ve spotted quite a few to he honest (you know pesky hoomins not squirrels) something that both meowself and Tolkien didn’t really like. To tell you the truth I do prefer it when other hoomins are not around and my own hoomins are at home all the time! You see when hoomins are not around there are more birdies and other animals around and the parks, canals and other places where the hoomins can’t go anymore are staying clean and look nice without all that rubbish that hoomins often leave behind....As for my own hoomins and as I’ve said it before I like to have them around all the time to give me the attention I want, to entertain me and of course to keep my food bowls full at all times. They are good servants my hoomins you see and I do prefer to have them indoors every day and night....besides without the hoomins around that pest Tolkien would have been too much to cope with.
You know as I’ve mentioned it before many times now that he is such a bully and always gets me into some kind of trouble and manages to convince the hoomins to take his side because he makes all these cute noises/meows and pretends to talk to hoomins which of course and as we have already established they really love it when we meow to them and act like we are talking to them and we are having a serious conversation....not true as hoomins don’t understand a meow we are saying of course!
But Tolkien when we are playing and I’m doing him here a favour and play with him when he constantly nags me to play even when I’m not in the mood to do so he often acts like he is being tortured or bullied by meowself....Then the hoomins believe that we are playing too rough and try to intervene so we don’t get too far, like we don’t know how to stick to the rules when playing…we are cats after all, not silly hoomins!  So and as I’ve said it before all that noise Tolkien is making and pretending that I’m rough handling him and even goes to such length as to let his fur come loose so the hoomins can find it on the carpet and think that I’m responsible and that I’m actually pulling his fur with my teeth and claws is only an act, he just plays the drama queen and the whole thing is absurd really!
So one more time and to to be totally clear on the matter I’m not bullying Tolkien and I’m not playing aggressively with him or the hoomins....I’m very gentle with Tolkien (and the hoomins) even if he is quite big now and still very stupid....

I mean and seriously now what cat cat could have ever been scared of something that silly as the hoomin’s flip flops and go into hiding when he sees the hoomin wearing them and walking around in the house....they are not any new strange species and they are not a threat to anybody… they are just hoomin shoes which she always wears in the summer when it’s hot! Such a stupid kitten Tolkien still is! 

Anymeows better go now as Tolkien tries to get my attention again and I’m really pooped! Besides hoomins are too busy and they try to ignore him...perhaps if the hoomin has refilled my bowl again I could try to ignore him too!

Purrs and meows till next time!

Well and if you want to check that comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available on Amazon

There are also new range of products bases on our new comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available to buy ...the Comic Collection

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!

  You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon Well finally the last day of a...