Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien

Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien
The misadventures of Ozzy and Tolkien at home

Friday, 31 December 2021

Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!


You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon

Well finally the last day of another rather eventful year for hoomins and cats is here, a year that everybody at the start hoped it would be a better one after the one before. Unfortunately though it proved to be not that great either especially for my hoomin family as a lot of unexpected things went….well unexpectedly wrong but hopefully we can now look to a better in every way New Year when finally some kind of normality can return.

You know sometimes you look back into your life the past year and you’re thinking that you haven’t done really much and it kinda feels like you’ve just wasted another year of your life. But then when you start comparing what you manage to do the previous year to what you have actually done the past two you start realising that not everything might have been such a waste or that bad after all considering the opportunities you were given to do so! You did the best you could in the circumstances you found yourself into!

Yes Tolkien waiting for the New Year

So yes ideally you should be grateful of what you’ve managed to achieve the time you were given to do so and very importantly to try not to regret and feel bad because you couldn’t do more.

So I’m grateful for the things that I have managed to done this year even if they do not look as much such as looking after my hoomins the best way I could, having Tolkien around and looking after him again the best way I could (even if that means that sometimes I get meowself into trouble and accused wrongly of bullying him), sharing my home with my hoomins who are the best hoomins any cat could have asked and most importantly having a good home where I can do wherever I want even if my hoomins think that they are the ones in charge around here (isn’t what all hoomins really believe?).

So yes I’m very grateful for what I currently have and done but also I’m hoping for a great Happy Normal and even boring if that sounds good for some New Year to everybody out there!

Till next time

Purrs and Meows!

Just relaxing before the arrival of the New Year

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Friday, 24 December 2021

Holidays and the hoomins strange behaviours….which they can’t really be explained!


You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon

So here we are again it’s Christmas Eve and things despite everything that happened this last year which made it a rather strange year for the hoomins things haven’t change that much from any other normal Christmas. Hoomins are back to their usual old tricks….overdoing everything just for a few days when nothing really special seems to be happening (other than having too much decorations and lights indoors…). You know, you’d still get up in the morning like usual and do the things you’d usually do, eat, snooze, eat again, snooze again and try to do the things that you’d normally do every day, etc.

 Except of course that on Christmas day hoomins believe that it is a special day so they’d try to do things a bit different. For example they’d spend a lot more time in the kitchen cooking things that they’d normally won’t cook any other day of the year because it is of course the hoomins’ that special day???

Now I don’t want the hoomins and cats out there to think that I’m an old meowmoaning cat that he likes to be grumpy and complain about everything all the time! No, no don’t get me wrong I like the idea of having plenty of food to go around, especially plenty of tasty meat and other treats, this is of course the best bit of hoomins’ holidays celebrations. It is the whole fuss and noise and the disturbance of the normal day’s routine that bothers me really….The day becomes a rather I can’t snooze too much day because the hoomins would start early disagreeing on how to cook things, for how long and why they should be doing it this way instead of that way, etc. So they’d spend a lot of their time in the kitchen arguing and cooking and then they’d start dong a lot of other unusual things that they’d never normally see them doing like playing noisy games (instead of watching just TV which plays at the background films I’ve never seen before) and arguing again while they’re waiting for cooking to be done….

So my day would be completely ruined as I wouldn’t be able to have my normal peaceful snooze and of course and let’s not forget Tolkien who won’t help either as he would try to get involved with what the hoomins would be doing each time (either cooking in the kitchen or playing their games in the living room). 

So no I don’t really like the actual Christmas Day until of course dinner time when it’s finally gets interesting and tasty! Of course after dinner things would always get better as hoomins finally go back to their old routines of spending some quiet and quality time i front of the TV and official snooze is finally on!

Tolkien being destructive once again!

Yes I know, it’s only for a day when things get a little bit chaotic and I shouldn’t really complain (I’m not after the meowmoaning cat type) but I wanted just to put out there what is that I don’t really like about the actual Christmas Day and explain why my hoomins become a bit strange this day…I guess they’re hoomins after all!

Anymeows better go now time for dinner!

Till next time Happy Holidays to all hoomins and cats out there!

Purrs and Meows till next time!

Having a little snooze without being disturbed!

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Friday, 17 December 2021

Bad habits and decorations… they’re not always learned….from other cats or hoomins!


You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon

So here we are again, almost one week away from Christmas and things are quiet and still quite normal….for this time of the year, anymeows.

Well I guess I’m quite lucky that my hoomins are not those type of hoomins who would do things because they have to or because others think that they need to be done but the sort that they would do things because they need to be done when they need to be done. A good example is of course the Christmas decorations and holiday celebrations in general. They’d not put decorations too early as they believe that they’d need to stick with traditions so they can enjoy all the Christmas period and not get bored before the Christmas and New Year holiday period is over. Of course this is their opinion and it doesn’t in any way affect me really as long as of course doesn’t interfere with my own routine and plans. They can decorate their silly tree(s) (they usually decorate two trees (a small and a bigger one) when they want to with whatever they want to as long as they don’t bother me or disrupt my snoozing or forgetting when there is dinner time!

So tonight they finally put up all their silly Christmas decorations (not too bad really) pretty quickly despite their little disagreements what decorations and lights to use….seriously sometimes hoomins are so strange when it comes to some of their arguments and decisions….does it really matter what lights go where and what colour the baubles need to be? Hoomins….Pfftt!

Anymeows that decoration business is over so now we can have a few weeks where the house would look a bit different been strangely lit up at nights and having indoors decorated trees that they should have normally been outdoors. 

But of course and as I’m a cat that always looks on the positive side of things I can say that also this time of the year there are a lot of positive things to look forward to as well like and for example the extra cooking and baking that the hoomins they’d do as and for some strange reasons they seem to believe that they need to eat a lot more this time of the year so they’d cook and bake for double the amount of people that live here (so strange those hoomins!!!). Which it is of course something that meowself and Tolkien for that matter doesn’t matter at all. It is always good to have many food choices!

Checking on hoomins efforts….pfft pathetic!

So finally and now that the hoomins have finished arguing and everything it seems to be in place I can carry on with my snoozing on my blanket…. oh yes my blanket! The same issue again! I’m mean and a bully… blah blah…and I don’t let innocent and stoopid Tolkien to share my blanket….even when I’m not using it meowself! Wherever!

Same old story again. 

But of course you all know by now that I’m not a bully and I’m not been mean to anybody or I’m teaching Tolkien any bad habits….he is far too stoopid to learn from meowself and everything he knows it has not be learned by meowself. You know he already knows as it is in his genes to be naughty, especially in the mornings when he jumps on the bed, on hoomins or scratches the wardrobe door and windows and climbs on top of the bedroom door or he runs like somebody is chasing him around the house (definitely not meowself). I haven’t taught him any of these bad habits or I’m bullying him and get into fight with him in the mornings. Also I know very well that he is a big cat now (some might even say a very big cat) and he is a lot bigger and stronger than meowself in some ways so I can’t really bully him….besides I never did bully him in the first place I’m always guide him.

Anymeows better go now, it has been after all a very long day and I need a good snooze (after my dinner of course) so I need to make certain that no Tolkien or hoomin for that matter is currently using my blanket!

Purrs and Meows till next time!

Tolkien trying to hide unsuccessfully once again!

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Friday, 10 December 2021

How to wake up your hoomins in the mornings…some of the methods and techniques we often use…

You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon

So here we are again, another week has just passed and things at home are as normal as it has recently been…you know the hoomins blame me for almost everything that goes wrong at home and Tolkien getting away again as usual with everything he does because he is still young and…stoopid. But at least holiday madness hasn’t hit our household as yet as my hoomins like doing things the old fashion way as they are keep saying which I guess is a good thing. So our Christmas decorations are not due for a few more days which means a few more days of normal life at least. Not that I don’t like the Christmas decorations as they do make the house look nice after all. It’s just all that mess before and after and of course an over excited Tolkien to cope with that they are the issues. But this is something I guess I’d more likely mention in the next week’s blog.

Today though I’d like to pick up another important subject and explain how meowself and Tolkien usually deal with it.

We know of course that since early of the last year a lot of the hoomins for their own reasons (good reasons in my opinion) including my hoomins decided to spend a lot of time at home and not to go to what they’ve used to call the office to do work. Which of course worked out to be an excellent permanent it seems solution having the hoomins at home all the time so you can get all the attention you need when you needed even if the hoomins were doing ‘office work’ and they were  supposed not to be disturbed (there is always a way to disturb them and get the attention you want when you want it….just been a clever cat and you’d quickly figure out). 

So yes I still like it that my hoomins are at home all the time(both of them of course with the health issues now have been resolved). But unfortunately and with hoomins of course things are not always that simple and straightforward as they’re known to often create problems not just for themselves but for the others that live with them as well. 

A good example is of course when the hoomins are at home all the time they’re also becoming rather lazy and they don’t have a routine for anything anymore especially when it comes to the mornings and when they’d eventually wake up and decide to get up and feed meowself and Tolkien. You know we can be patient and understanding but there is a time limit to that patience. We need to have our breakfast at a decent time so to keep our strength. 

Tolkien trying some blind noise for the hoomins!

So meowself and Tolkien have come with some techniques we now use in the mornings to make sure that the hoomins or at least one of them gets up at a reasonable time to make our breakfast (we’ll like to leave the other one asleep because she is still of course recovering so she needs extra rest and also it is quite good to have a warm and comfy hoomin when going back to bed after breakfast time is over).

Of course the first thing we’d do in the mornings when we are up and about is our exercises, you know a little running, chasing around the house and room, some jumping on the bed and of course Tolkien been Tolkien and not been able to help himself some meowing and loud crying (he can be such a baby sometimes). Hoomins seem to have used to our morning exercises by now so they don’t usually react so often we have to use different approaches. 

For example Tolkien likes jumping on the top of the bedroom door where he does a little of bit scratching which again it doesn’t seem to be bothering the hoomins that much but Tolkien likes sitting up there…

He’d also try to wake up the hoomins by scratching the wardrobe door which hoomins (and meowself to be honest) don’t really like but again he’d be ignored as the hoomins it seems are aware of why he’s doing what he is doing (clever hoomins). He’d also try the blinds on the window, you know move them so they make some kind of annoying noise….which once again doesn’t seem to work as the hoomins are used to by now.

To be honest here everything that Tolkien would normally try in the morning usually won’t work because hoomins are simply ignoring him even if they are awake and aware of what’s going on. So usually the best method is my own purrsonal one. 

You know the more gentle and well planned method of jumping on the bed unexpectedly and then doing some zooping (or as some might know it as kneading) on one of the hoomins while keeping your tail and rear end to the face of the other. Just be patient and at the end either your front or back end would prevail and the hoomins would start moving. Just be cute and then sit on the one you want to actually get up and soon enough you’d have success. The hoomin is awake and ready to get up. Also sometimes you might have to go to the litter tray before you attempt this technique if you want to be certain that you would be successful.

Yes I know it can be a hard work but sometimes you are left with no other choice. Hoomins can be hard work.

Anymeows better go now. Dinner is calling.

Purrs and Meows till next time. 

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Friday, 3 December 2021

So many accusations….but not that much evidence to be accused though!

Here I’m relaxing on my own!

 Here we are again, another week has just passed and things have not changed that much, well at least for meowself that is.

You see I’m still been accused of things that I have not really done and for which things they can’t really blame me for as they do not have real evidence that I’m actually responsible for…

By the way the whole thing or at least some of this anymeows it is because of the bad, cold weather we are currently having. You see if it was still nice and warm I would not of course need a blanket to keep meowself and paws warm and Tolkien would have been quite happy still sleeping on his favourite spot on the scratching post and not trying to steal my blanket and getting me to all sorts of trouble with the hoomins!

Yes it is true I do like my blanket and I don’t like sharing it with either Tolkien or the hoomins (besides the hoomins have other blankets or ponchos or whatever they want to call them and Tolkien has enough fur to keep him warm without needing my blanket). So I won’t let either of them have it and that’s final no matter how hard they might try…

Now and to explain something else as well I’m not a thief or opportunist either! I don’t steal the hoomins’ or Tolkien favourite spots on the sofa or the chairs I’m just occupying spaces when they become available….

If the hoomin is not sitting there then it is free to use…even if the hoomin is always sitting there and it’s her favourite spot. I must admit it is a nice, warm, comfy spot to sit and snooze but I do not try to steal it from her. I simply occupy it when she is not around and keep it warm for her and I don’t wait for her to move so I can sit there hopping that when she is back she would feel sorry for meowself and she won’t move me. So no I’m not stealing the hoomins sitting spots I’m only using what is available…unoccupied spaces, like Tolkien does (By the way you can still read about meowself and Tolkien’s life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March 2020 arrived when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

Tolkien being stoopid as usual!

Now another thing that I really want to clear is this recent accusation of meowself starting stealing food from the hoomins’ plate. This is definitely not true, it was just an unfortunate accident which simply made me look bad because I was there, that’s all! You see my hoomin’s toast slices with that cheese spread looked and smelled so good so I had to have a closer look and it just happened that my paw touched one of the slices accidentally on the side and that slice simply slid and ended up on the floor. It was just an unfortunate accident…Of course and since the hoomin wasn’t going to eat the slice from the floor (besides she had enough toast slices on her plate already) I’ve decided to help and eat that slice or at least the cheese on the slice so it didn’t get wasted!  You see I was only trying to help here. I didn’t do anything wrong, it was just an accident, the toast slice was meant to fell on the floor and I was just there when it happened. You know been at the wrong place…perhaps in this occasion and for the toast at the right time…that’s all.

So no, I don’t like being accused for something I didn’t actually do or being called now little thief and the hoomins saying that they have from now on to keep an eye on meowself while they’re eating because I might steal some of their food. No I don’t like it at all….besides some of the hoomin food is not that nice after all, especially some of the green stuff they eat which they call vegetables….yuk!

Besides Tolkien is also always around when they are eating as well and he also likes some of the hoomins’ food, some of which doesn’t even taste nice like marmite….yuk! Yes he is strange big kitten still!

Finally I would also like to say that I don’t sing at night time when I’m on my own or playing on my own….I don’t know what the hoomins think they can hear but it’s most definitely not meowself trying to meow/sing or playing in the living room on my own…they’re just imagining things…or they can hear Tolkien instead (and he is not sleeping on the bed as they think).

Anymeows better stop now it is getting late and dinner appears to be late again….oh those hoomins of mine!

Till next time

Purrs and Meows

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!

  You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon Well finally the last day of a...