Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien

Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien
The misadventures of Ozzy and Tolkien at home

Friday, 26 November 2021

The wars of the blanket and the mystery of the underwear draw….

MY BLANKET…Tolkien cannot have it!

Hallo hoomins and cats out there in the wide world outside. Another week has just passed and a few things have changed….nothing really major really for the rest of the cat and hoomin population out there I guess but import enough for meowself and Tolkien!

Well for starters it seems that is getting really cold now as winter is almost upon us and all of us, meowself, Tolkien and even the hoomins have started feeling it….perhaps Tolkien not so much as and let’s not forget he is too stoopid to realise that is rather cold….yes he is that stoopid believe me! Heating is back on of course but my hoomins and for their own strange reasons, something that it seems to have to with the fact that heating is far too expensive to have it on all day, so and as a result they don’t seem to leave the heating on all day or night. So and as a result we end up then having some cold periods during the day or night when the hoomins are not asleep so we can join the on the nice warm bed.

So and for those cold times there are other solutions to be used like my nice soft blanket my hoomin got for me….Oh boy I can’t really tell you how cosy, soft and warm it really is, place where you can have the purrfect snooze!

Now and as everybody knows of course I’m a very caring and tolerate cat and I allow Tolkien to get away with almost everything and I even let him have some of my own purrsonal items like toys for example but of course sometimes you also have to draw the line and keep some things to yourself like my nice and warm blanket….besides Tolkien is young and he doesn’t really need to keep himself warm…he can do a little running  around the house instead if he feels cold so he can warm up! (By the way you can still read about meowself and Tolkien’s life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March 2020 arrived when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon)

This is my new warm blanket!


So no I won’t let him have it no matter how hard he tries or he pretends that it is his own blanket and he tries to hide himself in it because he can look almost invisible when he is sleeping on it. Hee, hee one of these days the hoomins might sit on him if they can’t see him although they are aware now that is hard to spot him in the dark. So no, I’m not intending to let him have my blanket, he needs to find his own warm spot in the house or to convince the hoomins to get him his own purrsonal blanket! So there!

Now there is another matter that I would like to quickly mention today which is the underwear draw nonsense issue, and which in my opinion is not really an issue at all! I don’t understand why the hoomins are making such a big issue out of nothing really….What does it matter if somebody at home for example likes opening the hoomin’s underwear draw and plays with them (not making a mess) or places them (not throwing them) outside….what is so strange about the whole thing? It seems to me that somebody is having a bit of a fun here and he or she doesn’t really need any professional  on the matter (besides my hoomin is a cat behaviour adviser anymeows so she can figure out the issue for herself if of course this is a cat issue or just hoomin’s attempt to blame meowself for something that I have not being caught doing….so there!). Too much fuss about meowthing in meowself opinion!

Anymeows better stop now, dinner time is upon us…hoomin I’m coming!

Till next time

Purrs and Meows

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Friday, 19 November 2021

Finally a quiet and normal week at home….well almost!

Keeping an eye on Tolkien and his mess..

You know it has been such a long time since we had a normal quiet week at home where nothing much is happening that I have almost forgotten how good it really feels when things at home are quiet and…some might even say boring. 

Winter is almost upon us which means that soon would be Christmas and the so called normality would soon gone again but till then and because my hoomins like to stick to old traditions and they don’t get too early to the Christmas madness there is plenty of time to enjoy these quiet and not much to do days till the Christmas madness arrives…

So yes this week has been rather quiet and not much has happened….hoomins, well at least one of the hoomins is working as he has been since last year they’ve started working from home instead of going to the office and the other one not as much (less so as she is still recovering) but still catching up with some work and other things that they need doing (I most definitely like the fact that my hoomin is fast catching with the cooking and baking part of things…things are so much better now).

Which of course all this normal, day to day routine means that I finally get a lot of time to meowself to catch with my own normal routine such as proper snoozing which it had somehow suffered a bit before when the hoomin wasn’t well and wasn’t around for a while or when strange people where visiting for a while to check on her when she came back home…Those were really stressful times as I was not only worried for my hoomin I had to tolerate the presence of those strange looking and smelling from outside hoomins who I didn’t like especially the sounds and smells they were bringing at home when they were visiting while and at the same time I had also to keep checking on the hoomin as well meowself…you can’t really trust those hoomins at least not all the time of course. So yes all these previous months my snoozing and general day to day routine suffered a lot of disruptions and with Tolkien also around who sometimes as you’re probably are aware acts like he has no brain at all having time to snooze or do anything ‘normal’ it was almost impossible (By the way you can still read about meowself and Tolkien’s life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March 2020 arrived when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon.

Silly Tolkien and the many toys and mess he makes…

This is why now I really appreciate these quiet and boring weeks we are having when the only things that I have to do is eat, snooze and keep an eye on Tolkien and not so much on hoomins anymore…

There is also of course certain consequences to be expected when things are going back to normal such as false and exaggerated accusations for example of being a bully with Tolkien (or even to the hoomins apparently…) and not letting him eat some of the food the hoomins are getting for us. You see it’s not that I don’t let him eat but simply that he doesn’t seem to like that new food and therefore it is such a pitty to leave it as it’ll otherwise get spoiled and then wasted…so you see I make sure that this new and delicious new food is not get wasted….once again being a considerate and caring cat as always.

Now and when it comes to bullying again I do not bully Tolkien I simply guide him when he is doing something that is clear wrong or he is likely to cause chaos and when he makes a lot of mess. Because and let’s face it Tolkien does make a lot of mess especially when he plays and hoomins don’t really like it…Also and when it comes to all all that fur that apparently are keep finding on the floor once again is not my doing honestly…Tolkien has so much fur now that he is older that a lot of it is coming out….on its own….you know without meowself attacking or biting….When we do play we are not aggressive with each other….we simply have a little chase around the house, you know doing a bit of exercising and running, that’s all. Of course Tolkien likes to over react sometimes to get the hoomins attention so therefore he’d then meow and act like he is being tortured by meowself to get the hoomin to come to his aid and for meowself to get the blame for all the disruption and mess….oh well what can you do? Just tolerate Tolkien and being extra cute with the hoomins which seems to always work quite well.

Well that’s all for this week…getting a bit late and it’s time for dinner as it seems to be getting late and hoomins to have forgotten that is already dinner time!

Purrs and Meows till next time

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Friday, 12 November 2021

Toys, bullying and obsessive behaviours….for another week!

Just having a little stretch…

 Well finally another week has passed and this time it has been a rather normal quiet week with no hoomin special days with loud or quiet using strange fruit celebrations. 

You know I’m the sort of cat that does like normality, a quiet and in general uneventful life, especially after all those months where normality was so scarce and we had so many unexpected events taking place and changing things that we didn’t want them to change. Nevertheless now we can be at last thankful again that things have gone back to what were used to be and I purrsonally I’m glad that both my hoomins are now at home all the time giving meowself the attention I need and of course deserve (not so much Tolkien he is far too destructive and at times rather too demanding and annoying some might even say…).

But of course that familiar normality sometimes brings back some of the things that you don’t really like for example when you are being accused for for things that you haven’t really done or you are not really responsible for….Yes, yes of course it has mostly to do with stoopid Tolkien who always and somehow manages to get me into some kind of trouble and often makes me appear like a bully although and in most cases I’m always trying to just help him or to stop him from getting into some kind of trouble with the hoomins and then instead I get the blame for his behaviour and action…stoopid Tolkien! (By the way you can still read about meowself and Tolkien’s life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March 2020 arrived when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

You know that recently I let him have all to himself that the new toy that hoomins got for meowself…and what did I got in return? Trouble and been accused of being a bully and not letting Tolkien to sit or sleep on his favourite spots like the top of the scratching post, hammock and blanket…Hoomins are even accusing me of even bullying themselves as they are saying that I’m not letting them sit on the sofa, use the blanket (which of course is mine) or that I’m trying to steal their own spots on the chairs and sofa….so no it’s not true I don’t steal anybody’s seat and most definitely I’m not a bully….

He is sooo obsessed with that toy of his…

As everybody knows by now I’m a very tolerant, helpful and consider cat who likes to assist everyone anytime that they need my help whether that is work, any house chores like cooking, cleaning and even eating as I’m well aware that hoomins and Tolkien of course always need assistance when it comes to finish their food….

And when it comes to Tolkien I’m always as everybody knows willing to help him when he needs my help of course…which let’s face it, it is in most cases as he is not after all the most intelligent cat on this planet so I have to tell him always what to do and which in some cases might look at first  like bullying or being aggressive….but I can assure you it’s only guidance in the direct direction…I don’t bite or hit him on the head for no reason.

Now and the other thing that I want to make also clear and for which I think I’ve been once again wrongly accused is the opening of the draws….you see hoomins assume because the draws are found open that is meowself responsible because like the intelligent cat that I’m I know how to open draws, blinds with my paws of course (which my hoomins think it is quite cute really) but and in this occasion I’d deny the accusation because of lack of evidence (nobody has seen me doing it really…) and I would categorically deny it as also I have been accused of pulling out and throw on the floor the hoomin’s underwear as well….Nope, it wasn’t me….it must had been Tolkien…you see I believe that although he might not know how to open things like draws (he prefers you see to scratch doors and windows instead expecting them to open that way….stoopid I know) on the other hand he is sooooo stoopid that he can accidentally open anything and make a mess of everything….yeap he is responsible for all that mess not meowself….

Anymeows that’s all for now I need to go and check that nobody has stolen my blanket again…

Till next time 

Purrs and Meows  

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Friday, 5 November 2021

Oh dear…Fireworks night and Tolkien’s new obsession…

Hoomin? Stop those fireworks, now!

You know sometimes I can’t understand the hoomins at all! I know of course that they are a total different species after all nd despite the fact that we have a lot of similarities as species go especially when it comes to our brains, emotions, purrsonalities and other stuff as well but still there are somethings that they simply don’t seem to make any sense at all to me!

A good example is those annoying annual holidays that hoomins feel the urge to celebrate like last week’s Halloween and today’s Bonfire or Fireworks night!!! Why do they have to celebrate something (I’m not really sure what they are actually celebrating and I’m not sure that the hoomins themselves know either!!!) with fireworkworks that they make so much noise and they can be also very dangerous for hoomins and animals that they are out there….

Can someone explain to me why fireworks are fun? They are far too noisy and dangerous for my liking and of course as always with at least some hoomins they tend to go well over the top…too many and too frequent and too close to each other as it seems that every hoomin house in the neighbourhood has a bonfire tonight. It has been very loud the past couple of hours and poor Tolkien is not coping very well with all this noise despite the fact that the my hoomins are trying to keep the outside noise to the minimum and distract him from what’s going on out there…

Poor Tolkien and all the other cats and other animals out there of course that they are not enjoy this noisy night as well. I think it would be better and safer for everyone if hoomins stick to quieter holidays when they just celebrate with yummy food like turkey or other types of meat…like Christmas holidays …much better.

Tolkien is playing with his new toy!

Now and since I’ve already mentioned Tolkien I feel that is time to talk about his new toy obsession which hoomin got for meowself last week and which toy because I’m really kind and consider I let him play and have….besides I’m too old for silly robot bug toys after all (By the way you can still read about meowself and Tolkien’s life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March 2020 arrived when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

So yes last week hoomins got a robot bug toy that moves around and Tolkien seems to have become obsessed with it as I’ve never seen him before become that obsessed with anything else (except of course for food and cardboard or plastic…although hoomins think that he also likes marmite a bit too much too) that much that he simply can’t let go. If he is not battering it while it is moving around then he’d be carrying around the house in his mouth and he would not let go…he would not even let the hoomin put it away when he seems to have finished playing with it…He would keep looking for it when the hoomin takes it and then he’d try to find it….now hoomins are trying to find safe from Tolkien places to hide it so the poor toy gets a little break time away from the obsessed Tolkien for a little while….

It’s only a toy Tolkien calm down!

Oh well what can you do with an obsessed still behaving like a kitten with no brains cat! Not much really…

I think I’d stop for now as it seems to have gone quieter and I can finally have my previous disturbed snooze after I’ve had my little dinner of course…Tolkien is out and about as well it seems….Oh no, he’d just had my dinner again….the hoomins need to do something about it, to stop him from eating my food while I’m not around…or else!


Purrs and Meows for now!

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please Paypal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!

  You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon Well finally the last day of a...