Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien

Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien
The misadventures of Ozzy and Tolkien at home

Monday, 25 January 2021

Finally the hoomins seem to appreciate the benefits of being at home...

Just looking outside at that white stuff...good thing I don’t have to go outside as it does look  very cold!

Yeap it took them a while but finally my hoomins seem to have realised that being indoors all the time is a good thing after all especially now that the weather is really cold and we had quite a lot of that white stuff outside which they call snow!

Of course there are many benefits in being indoors all the time where hoomins and cats can stay safe and warm as we cats know too well but for my hoomins there have been always some cases of doubt when at times they’ve seemed to be wishing to be able to go outside frequently as they’ve used to do!

Well the recent change of weather seems to have finally convinced them otherwise...You see the last few days we had quite a lot of that snow stuff which apparently can be not only really cold (I can’t tell for certain of course as at home is always warm and cosy) but it can be also slippery and dangerous as well especially after a day or two when it freezes and it’s not that soft anymore! Something that my hoomins clearly don’t seem to like as their recent outdoors adventure appeared to indicate....Of course my hoomins occasionally they have to go outside to do some of that important stuff such as shopping something which of course I do approve as we need after all to have our cat food cupboard always full so there are no shortages to our food supply and any danger of us starving of course. So when the hoomins went outside recently weren’t pleased at all with the conditions outside as and when they came back they were kept complaining about how cold it was, how icy the roads were and how they didn’t like going outside when the weather was that bad… See? My hoomins finally realised that being indoors is a lot safer and more preferable....They finally seem to have come to their senses. Outdoors is not nice or safe to be for cats and hoomins!

Yeap...stoopid Tolkien wondering whether he can eat snow!

Of course and to be honest I also think that the hoomins might be exaggerating a little bit as well as they often tend to do so and I don’t totally believe that things are really that bad outside....The snow after all looks really pretty on the trees and plants especially when it is freshly settled. Even Tolkien thinks so too and he is even convinced that it probably tastes quite good as well (I wish hoomins would brought some snow inside for him to try so he can have his tongue frozen....that would have been really fun to watch. By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

Yes Tolkien can be sometimes sooo stoopid and it is impossible to try and teach him anything at all. I know I have mentioned it many times before that he can’t really learn anything at all but you can’t stop a cat like meowself from keep trying to teach him some basic cat skills as I have to live with that big clumsy overgrown kitten. No brains up there but at least you can hope that he would at least understand some basics such as that he is not to follow the hoomins all the time around the house and to get so excited when the hoomins give him a bit of attention. He has no sense of cat dignity and how he needs to learn to ignore the hoomins at times if he wants them to do his bidding. You do not run to go to the hoomins when they are calling you....This is not what any decent cat would do…You simply ignore them so they’d come to you. You don’t beg for food. You simply show them with subtly that your food bowl is empty till they finally get the dignity in that big soft fluff of a cat at all!

By the way today he was caught by the hoomins with a bit of white fur in his mouth so finally the hoomins realised that it is him who is the bully around here and not me....all that black fur on the carpets is just excess fur that it came out by Tolkien himself (he is pulling his own fur you know) without any intervention of meowself. Finally the truth is out!

Anymeows better go before that Tolkien steal my spot on the bed again...

 Purrs and Meows till next time.

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 18 January 2021

The disappointing side of hoomins…these times!

You know that the moment I move from here that pesky Tolkien would steal my seat again...pfft!

You know I’ve been living for a very long time with my hoomins and I must admit even after all this time they can’t stop sometimes disappointing meowself. 

I mean of course I know like all cats out there who share their homes with their hoomins that hoomins are not purrfect or even adequate in many ways but you know after all this time we have at least learnt to live with them, give them the attention they need and even in some cases tolerate them even in those occasions that they are becoming almost impossible to live with....We have learnt to be patient with them and to try to always give them enough time to learn what our needs are so they can adapt to our way of life. 

But sometimes even the most patient cats like meowself can have just about enough with his hoomins....especially when they are becoming too difficult and demanding to have them around and then it becomes really hard for anyone to remain patient and understanding....

I’m not really referring to normal things which hoomins are known to frequently be doing. Like for example when they are becoming forgetful and then they’re leaving the food and biscuit bowls empty for ridiculous long periods of time which of course it can cause to any cat not only stress but also and in some cases serious and life threatening starvation. Or even those occasions when they are clearly trying to ignore us because they want to do something that it doesn’t really involve us at all and which again of course it can be very stressful to any cat…when their hoomins don’t give them the attention they need when they want it.

No of course not. These are small things which we have now most of us cats learnt how to solve by providing the appropriate training to the hoomins in question so they can avoid such serious mistakes.

The issues that I would like to mention today and which they are bothering me tremendously are the recent and frequent false accusations and lies that my hoomins are spreading against meowself. For example I have been frequently and once again accused of bullying Tolkien and chasing him around in the house and even in some occasions provoking him so he can cause trouble himself (or mayhem and destruction as the hoomins sometimes are calling it... By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon). Which of course it’s not true and there is no single proof to suggest otherwise. As I’ve mentioned it before hoomins saying that they have seen me bullying Tolkien and chasing him around the house with their own eyes which it’s not actually proof as we are always moving too fast for them to be able to see what we are actually doing and therefore they are simply jumping to the wrong conclusions. I don’t bully Tolkien, of course not! I’m only trying to help him to exercise as it seems that he has started gaining a bit of weight recently… Also having black fur in my mouth it doesn’t again suggest that I was bullying Tolkien....I was simply helping with his grooming since he has too much fur and therefore he can’t really groom himself on his own....only helping you see, not bullying!

That Tolkien is getting too big to fit anywhere these days!

Also other frequent accusations that recently I have been hearing are that I eat too much again which are not true of course since Tolkien eats most of the food and biscuits than meowself and even those found pawprints and bitemarks on the cheesecake are not enough proof to accuse meowself instead of Tolkien (even if they appear to be rather small and therefore they look a lot more like mine they most definitely don’t belong to meowself) as he also jumps on the kitchen counters too. Besides he only pretends that he doesn’t like cheesecake and all the other things that the hoomins have found on the counters with teeth marks....of course he does…he is very cunning you know as well as stoopid of course. 

Besides he is quite heavy too and hoomins shouldn’t therefore complain about meowself that I’m too heavy to sit on them when they are sleeping....I’m just the right size for a cat of my age and height I say!

So all these accusations and false assumptions about meowself are really very disappointing and stressing to say at least to hear from my own hoomins who I thought I had trained them  so well especially when it is quite clear that Tolkien is the one who is responsible disappointing to hear them being so mean to meowself after all this time! Without having any real proof!

But I guess you can’t really blame the hoomins these days for their grumpiness as being constantly at home it seems to have had such a bad effect on them after all and to have  also changed them a lot. But of course I also blame Tolkien too who has now learnt how to play the innocent and get the hoomins’ sympathy by pretending to be the victim of my bullying...But the truth would eventually come out….sooner or later!

Oh well better go now as it’s getting late and Tolkien is getting ready for his exercising....

Purrs and Meows till next time

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 11 January 2021

Well everything is back to normal again and it’s rather boring...

If Tolkien thinks that I’m going to move he is very much’s my spot now!

So here we are once again and the new year has officially started and all the celebrations and most of the hoomins silly resolutions (thank God) have already been forgotten. Yeap normality has hit us once again and all the decorations have been put away by the hoomins and the house looks…pfft very normal again and....boring. I must admit I did like it with all the Christmas decorations and of course watching all of Tolkien’s regular attempts (most of them failed ones of course) to get rid of hoomins decorations a bit too soon than they were meant to be put away....Ahh yes I do miss those lovely weeks with all that extra food so easily obtainable and the hoomins rather unusual but welcoming for once good mood...Yeap all the good festive cheer!

But of course all the good things have to come to an end especially when it comes to a year like the last year which things didn’t really go according to plan for most of the hoomins who they had to spend a lot of their time at home and of course with us too...something that some cats like meowself and Tolkien appreciated a lot while others…not so much as hoomins can be sometimes overbearing and annoying of course (By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon)!

Look what a big mouth Tolkien he has....soo stoopid he is! 

But now reality has finally hit and everything looks again rather boring and a bit depressing....not for us of course but mostly for the hoomins who have to spend once again a lot of months indoors without being able to go out at least occasionally for what they call socialising...not sure what it means really but it is something that hoomins well at least my hoomins like to do occasionally and which now they seem to be missing. Yes things don’t look good out there for the hoomins it seems as they have to spend all their time indoors once least they can go out for shopping otherwise things would have been really bad if they couldn’t get our food and biscuits would have been a national disaster I say....the end of the world as we know it and I’m not exaggerating...we’d have starved to death!

But I do think that hoomins are overacting of course as life indoors is not that bad really as we all know rather well. You know meowself and Tolkien are staying indoors all the time and we don’t mind it we don’t get depressed as there are always things that any cat or hoomin for that matter can do to entertain themselves really....For example there are always birdies and even squirrels outside to watch. Especially stoopid squirrels like the one that he is often visiting and tries to steal the birdies food and who it seems hasn’t really realised yet that there is no bird feeder on the window anymore. So he keeps climbing all the way to the top and then stares in disbelief when he can’t see the bird feeder where it used to be....stoopid squirrel.

We also had a little of bit of that white stuff the other day outside as well....what the hoomins call snow and which looks rather soft and it appears to be cold as well....Tolkien wasn’t very impressed really but it did bring a lot more birdies to the new feeder outside. 

So yes there are things to keep one’s self occupied and entertained when at home and especially now that is rather cold outside and I think that hoomins they should be grateful that they can stay indoors in the warm and they don’t have to go outside anymore (instead of watching the news on TV all the time and getting more annoyed it seems as there are no good news it appears)….

Besides it’s not only the birdies and squirrels outside that they can be entertaining as Tolkien can be too especially when he tends to freak out himself for no real reason and then he acts like he is being attacked…by his own shadow....He is such a scary cat really....meowing and scaring out the hoomins for no apparent reason....he just fell off the table in the big deal it happened to all of us…such a crying kitten really.

Anymeows better go now things to do and hoomins to try and cheer up.

Purrs and Meows till next time

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 



Monday, 4 January 2021

This is not really the new year I was far!

That small hamster can move really fast! Good thing I don’t have to chase him!

So finally we said our goodbyes to the 2020 and the new year at last has arrived but things don’t seem to be going as well as we’d have expected them to be....

I know that most hoomins were looking forward to the start of this new year and right so as last year was rather bad for most of them having to spend a lot of time indoors and avoiding other hoomins and generally not doing the things the hoomins normally do. Many hoomins like my own hoomins had to change their lifestyle and started working from home instead of going to their offices while others had no more work to do....So all the hoomins were looking forward to the start of this new year as they were hoping for things to change and go back to the way they were the previous year...

But I don’t think that this new year has started as well as everybody was expecting. Of course hoomins being hoomins went through their usual new year routine as they normally do at the start of every year of promising themselves that they would change their ways and abandon all their bad habits and start eating healthy and do more exercising and trying to get fit and thin, etc, etc…Promises which we of course know by now rather too well I might say that the hoomins won’t stick to for more than a couple of weeks before they get bored and frustrated and then they revert back to the old and familiar routines.

Yeap it is the same old routine every start of the new year of failed attempts of hoomins to change their lifestyles. This is why meowself and Tolkien and after learning from the hoomins decided that is better that we stick to our own resolution for the new year of not to try to change anything and stay the same way as we’d always been... not to attempt to improve anything that it doesn’t need improvement. After all why we should try and change things when everything is absolutely purrfect. We are besides the purrfect examples of modern cats living the good life. We have the hoomins we need and everything else that a cat would require. So there is no need for all these nonsense of healthy living, exercising and attempting to lose weight as us cats after all don’t get fat (OK maybe Tolkien is a little too big for a cat but I guess this isn’t something that he can really change....can he? By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon). 

Stoopid Tolkien...he found me again!

So yes our resolution for this new year is to try and keep things the way they are....the hoomins at home and those pesky squirrels away from our window. Something which might not be that far fetched after all as the fat pesky one broke the bird feeder the other day when he just jumped on it....he is far too big and the poor feeder couldn’t take his weight so now the poor birds have no feeder. But of course it got funnier when the other squirrel (the younger and rather stupid one) tried to jump on the feeder without realising that there was no feeder anymore and ended plummeting into the ground....he he, stoopid squirrel. After that fiasco and all that big noise and mess that that squirrel made the hoomins decided that they won’t replace that feeder or try to fix it after all but instead they’d add a different feeder on the tree opposite, away from the window so the squirrels can’t tease us anymore. Finally I say!

Well I would say that this was a good start to the year for meowself and Tolkien. Not so much for our hoomins though as they seem to have some issues at the moment with what they call the internet (no internet at the moment and whatever that is) and they are not very happy as they have to wait to have it fixed. And of course now all the rest of the hoomins have to stay at home all the time as well as they did last year which means they are not having a very good start to the new year either (the birdies on the other hand seem to have an excellent start to this new year though). Oh well perhaps they can at least try to stick to their resolutions of keeping fit and healthy this time as they wouldn’t have much else to do. Nah..kinda of think of it…it’s not going to happen really, they would probably get back to their old ways again…a lot quicker perhaps this time. 

Well the start of this new year might have not been so great so far for the hoomins but at least they are staying at home again which means that meowself and Tolkien can stick to our own resolution of having things staying the way they were.

Anymeows Happy New Year to all hoomins and cats out there

Purrs and Meows till next time.

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!

  You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon Well finally the last day of a...