Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien

Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien
The misadventures of Ozzy and Tolkien at home

Monday, 30 November 2020

The uses and purpose of hoomins in a cat's life...

The purrfect spot for a little snoozing away from that horror story Tolkien!

You know now that it has been quite a while having the hoomins at home all the time I’ve started to realise more and more that hoomins sometimes can be really useful. You know that they do have some purpose and usefulness after all. I mean don’t get me wrong I like my hoomins and I’m glad that they are sharing my home with meowself and that horror story Tolkien but sometimes and because of the way they are and their own sometimes strange behaviours I tend to you know wonder about their purpose in this world…at times (by the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon). 

Yes of course and as any cat would tell you they do make good servants and they are good to have around because they can make life a lot easier as they can provide you with good food, biscuits, treats and all the things that a modern cat now needs on her day to day life, no doubt about it. Although of course and in some occasions they can be totally useless especially at times when they do forget to fill up empty food bowls and leave us to almost starve or when they are coming home after being outdoors for hours with the wrong type of food or cat litter because they think that we need a change or that a change would probably do us good or because some mean hoomin called the vet has told them to do so… Yes very annoying and frustrating it is at all likely that us cat would like to change anything at all or that we like to try something new and unfamiliar... After all I don’t tell my hoomins what to eat or I try to encourage them to eat diet food which of course it always tastes really bad! What kind of cat would I be if I was considering asking my hoomins to eat things that they don’t taste good....not a very good cat I’d say!

But luckily these unfortunate events are rather rare and the hoomins are having other good uses as well. 

Let’s not forget of course their use as soft and comfy beds especially when it is a bit too cold and you want that extra warmth. My hoomins can be at times the best bed a cat could ask for and they would hardly move while I’m snoozing....they don’t like to disturb me you see. Of course it does help that I’m quite small and soft meowself and not as big as that Tolkien who really doesn’t seem to be fitting anywhere these days, hoomins or furniture it seems with his many legs and long tail. Tonight he fell off from the top of the scratching post which is quite roomy....again! Yeap there is no hope for that cat!

 And of course hoomins are great when it comes to entertainment as they can amuse us for a long time even if they don’t want to as us cats we have our special ways to get their attention when we are bored and want to be entertained....Well at least some of us because and as you already know Tolkien is terrible when it comes to getting attention from the hoomins as he’d keep meowing sometimes really loud (which it can be really annoying trust me) or he would get on their way when they are in the kitchen and trying to cook (and it’s a miracle that they haven’t as yet stepped on his tail as he always leaves it next to their feet....but of course hoomins have by now learned how to avoid him and how to walk when they are cats know to try to avoid the cat walk) or when he scratches doors and furniture to get their attention (and hoomins are not that amused either).

Tolkien is totally obsessed with that squirrel outside...he still thinks that he can catch him!

Hoomins are also good when to it comes to getting us new toys to play with although I must admit not all of their choices are really that good as they don’t seem to clearly understand what a cat considers a really good toy....for example like the right size box although Tolkien again tends to chew on them and they are not around for long for meowself to use them! But and although their choices at toys sometimes is terrible they also tend to provide us with other things in the house that they can be a lot more fun and amusing. For example excellent new places to hide and snooze like the new bed that I’ve found on the top of the kitchen cupboard purrfect for snoozing and staying away from Tolkien and hoomins...Then there is always the choice for some good old fashioned hunting around the house when the hoomins are leaving their clothes on the floor like socks for example....not only you can play yourself but also you can get the hoomins involved too when you hide them and then they have to find the way hoomins are terrible it seems in finding hidden things even if they are not that well hidden and they can also get easily annoyed if they can’t find those missing items! Not fun to watch them I’m telling you!

So yes hoomins can be really useful to have around at times despite their peculiarities and their very clingy behaviour at times....You know I think that my hoomins might be suffering from what is known as separation anxiety. Which it is of course to be expected now that they are spending so much time at home with us! Not a terrible thing after all consider that they at least stay safe when they are at home. So I don’t really mind a little clinginess I guess.

Well that’s all for now my hoomins need me.

Purrs and Meows till next time!  

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 23 November 2020

The battle with the squirrel outside has ended...the battle with the rest of his family has just started!

Yeap that pesky squirrel is totally ignoring me again!

Well OK, maybe I’m exaggerating a little here as things perhaps are not as dramatic in reality but that annoying squirrel outside has been nothing else but a real nuisance with his continuous visits to the bird feeder. He is sooo annoying! I mean he’s been coming for months now and he is stealing all the food from the bird feeder on the window and he’s totally ignoring all our efforts to make him stop visiting and to try to scare him away. He appears to be not afraid of anything and anybody....meowself included, Tolkien and even the hoomin! We have tried everything we could (other than stop putting food in that feeder  which of course it wouldn’t be fair to all those poor hungry birdies outside who they like and need their food now that is getting cold and it’s harder for them to find any food out there). From Tolkien climbing, scratching frantically, meowing at him and even jumping on the window (and knocking over all the hoomins’ plant on the window sill in the process) to even meowself starring at him menacing (yes I can be menacing if I want to and I can look like a ferocious cat if I decide to be one....hoomins would tell you how scary and mean I can be....I tend to bite the hoomin’s nose and fingers when I get annoyed and growl at the other one....but I do admit though that I don’t really like been mean and I can’t really be aggressive to my hoomins because I like my hoomins not because I can’t be one of course to be for Tolkien, well... he is too stupid to even release that I’m being mean to him the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon). Even hoomin’s attempts to scare him don’t seem to work at all and when my hoomin knocks at the window that pesky squirrel just ignores him and he even looks rather annoyed for being disturbed while he is eating....the nerve of that squirrel I’m telling you...

That stupid Tolkien thinks that I’m still hiding under the chair’s cover!

So and after all this time we have now got used to see him on almost daily basis coming and eating without showing any signs of fear or care really. My hoomins keep saying that he is rather cute really (which is an opinion that I don’t share meowself as I’ve found him rather annoying instead) and since there is no real harm in him eating the bird food there is no real reason to try and stop him. So it seems that now he is allowed to do what he wants….which again I don’t agree with as I believe that he is not only coming to steal food but he also to try and annoy us on purpose! 

But I guess that if it was just  him that we had to deal with things wouldn’t be so bad. But unfortunately now it seems that things are getting even worse as he’d started to bring along his family members as well. So this morning we’ve noticed that there were two squirrels outside, our old enemy of course along with a new younger one who it seems was also trying to get into the feeder. Of course being quite young and stupid (he kinda remind me of somebody else that lives here....and he is rather long and stupid too) he couldn’t really figure out how to get to the feeder like the other one does. So and after a few failed attempts he then decided that it would be a good idea if he instead started collecting some stones from under the window where the feeder is and then bury them… I mean how stupid that squirrel was...there was plenty of food under the feeder to collect if he really and desperately wanted something to bury...He kept doing it for a while and meowself, the hoomins and even Tolkien were ended up watching him and hoping that in the end he’d eventually realised that he was just burying stones and not vain!

Well I guess there are out there stupid squirrels too and not just stupid Tolkien....I really hope that no other members of that squirrel family make any appearance any time soon so to try and steal the birdies food from the feeder because I’m not so sure that I can cope with that constant noise and distraction outside....or that we can afford to have any more of our stones being buried! Besides they tend to scare the birdies too.

Now and talking about that stupid Tolkien.....well that overgrown kitten he is such a drama queen that he makes it almost impossible to play with him any more as he always causes so much trouble! You see he has now got this bad habit of making stupid kitten like noises, not even proper meows really more like pathetic cries every time we play chase and fight so he sounds like he is been seriously attacked by meowself and that I’m hurting him. He does that even when I’m not even playing with him and I’m not close enough to even touch him! Something of course that now even the hoomins have figured out that he is doing it on purpose  and which of course has started to annoy them as and when they come to his rescue they can then see that he is not in any harm anymeows… So we can’t really play anymore as the hoomins now tend to interfere and try to stop us so Tolkien can’t do his ‘crying baby’ routine....he is such a crying kitten really that he spoils all the fun a cat can have! 

He should have known by now that kitten meowing is only meant for the hoomins as they can’t resist it and they would then give in to all of our demands a lot quicker....and not for playing with meowself.....Oh well at least he is not burying food and biscuits under the carpet....well at least not yet.

Anymeows better go now as Tolkien is finally awake and hoomins have already gone to bed so maybe and hopefully we can then have a little play time without any interferences....I doubt it of course as he is after all Tolkien!

Till next time 

Purrs and Meows!   

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 16 November 2020

Hoomins sometimes can be sooo difficult to seems!

Watching hoomins doing exercising without my assistance is sooo...painful!

So another week has just passed and as far as I understand it all hoomins are still indoors as we don’t see many walking outside and they are still a lot of birdies and stupid squirrels outdoors instead, which is always a good thing of course!

You know by now that we have (mostly meowself and Tolkien that is) a squirrel problem with that pesky one that he keeps coming to steal the birdies food (there are many pictures available of his terrible behaviour of course that show how bad he really is) and who doesn’t seem to be taking any notice of us or even the hoomin when we are trying to scare him off. Nope he never seems to take any notice no matter how hard Tolkien always tries to get him...because that pesky squirrel is quite clever (a lot clever of course than Tolkien) and he knows that Tolkien or even the hoomin can’t really get to him because they are inside and he is out there! But now and rather annoyingly he has also started bringing his family too and some of his family members especially some of the younger ones don’t seem to be as clever as he is as they seem to be gathering instead of bird food or nuts small stones which they even appearing to try to bury them outside. A behaviour of course which seems that Tolkien finds very interesting and even for his own standards rather bizarre...

Of course watching squirrels outside it’s not the only thing that I’m spending most of my time doing all the time (unlike Tolkien of the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon) as I also need to keep an eye on my hoomins inside as well especially now that they are at home all the time and they are often doing things that they need a bit of assistance from meowself (you know how hoomins are…not capable of achieving anything really by themselves). But unfortunately this past last week has proven to be a rather strange week after all as the hoomins have kept themselves very occupied with their new gadgets/toys which they’ve just recently got and as a result they’ve also seem to have forgotten that we do still exist....But I guess it was to be expected they were due this time of the year to get some new toys after all and if those toys seem to make them happy, well…they are then allowed now and then to be a bit forgetful....and rather obsessive perhaps for at least a little while! After all all they have been working rather hard all this time and they do deserve to have some new toys to play with! But of course and if this obsession does last any longer then I might have to take some drastic action to bring them back to their senses and to remind them of their know I don’t like being ignored and being replaced by a small bright object that makes some strange noises and which hoomins seem to be holding in their hands all the time now! It is like that film…their precious rules them all!

That lazy Tolkien showing off again...ooh look how long his leg is!

Another thing that I’d like to mention here is also how difficult is is still to train your hoomins even after all this time so you can make them to understand what you are trying to tell them in our very subtle for example when you want to make your hoomin  move from your sofa because there is not enough space to stretch your tired and weary paws! It’s not after all the biggest sofa and a cat and a hoomin can’t really fit in a two seater sofa especially when the cat mentioned needs his own private space that is so he can stretch a bit. Nope, my hoomin doesn’t seem to be understanding that I want her to move from my sofa even when I keep pushing her with my paws and claws, very gently of course, so she can move.....she just keeps ignoring me which of course won’t do....after all it is my sofa and I need from time to time to be left alone to stretch there all by meowself....after all she can always sit on the floor of course if she wants to!

Yes sometimes it can be really frustrating trying to make hoomins understand what you want them to do like for example when you want them to share their food on their plate with you....I’d usually just sit next to my hoomin and then I’d have to use my paw to get my own portion from the plate otherwise she won’t give me any of her chicken or fish....she would eat it without sharing with meowself or Tolkien (OK she doesn’t really have to share with Tolkien if she doesn’t really want to!

Hoomins can be such a hard work some times but there is not much that you can do really other than keep trying to train them the right way! At least they are at home now so you can spend enough time to teach them what they really need to learn so they can share our home with us!

Anymeows better go now as it is time to entertain Tolkien now that hoomins have gone to bed.

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Monday, 9 November 2020

Yeepee! No hoomins outside again…and the birdies are all back!

Yes I like watching TV and guess which is my favourite programme...

So here we are again, a brand  new week has just started and a very nice week it is being promised to be...Well and as I was saying last week I’ve heard my hoomins talking about all the other hoomins becoming indoors only once again. You know like it was back in the spring because things are not going very well again. Something which I believe it is a very good thing for both hoomins and cats as well as for all the other creatures outside of course. You see I strongly believe that it would do a lot of good to hoomins to be indoors now that the weather is changing again and it gets rather cold outside. Who wants to be outside when it is cold, windy and rainy? Not any hoomin that I can think of or cat for that matter of course! Besides it is a lot safer to be inside these days especially when hoomins can do their work from home where they can have the best assistance they can ask for, us, cats of course. Everybody knows by now that we are and have always been a great help to all our hoomins. My hoomins think so anymeows....although I must admit sometimes it can be a bit adventurous when you are trying to assist your hoomins when they are doing exercising as they don’t always pay as much attention as they should and accidents can happen....which accident by the way it was not my fault in anyway....the hoomin should have paid more attention and she should have been aware of meowself standing behind her so she should have avoided falling on the was the hoomin’s fault entirely!

Anymeows back to what I was saying earlier about all the other hoomins that they are staying indoors now and how good this is not only for them but also for the other small and bigger creatures outside as they can now have the entire outside world to themselves again. Which also means of course that a lot more birdies are coming again to the feeder so meowself and Tolkien can observe them without being disturbed by passing hoomins (by the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

Stupid Tolkien is trying to hide again....pathetic!

Of course there is still that pesky squirrel who is keep coming to steal the birdies food from the feeder and who now has become totally unafraid of meowself and Tolkien despite all our attempts to scare him away as well as of my hoomin when he is trying to get his attention by knocking on the glass....nope that squirrel is not paying any attention at all or showing any signs of fear. I think that any day now he would knock at the front door and ask from my hoomins to let him into the house because it is getting too cold to be outside....the nerve of that pesky squirrel!

Oh well he can be annoying at times I guess but and at the same time it is also quite entertaining to watch Tolkien scratching at the window and trying to get to him....poor Tolkien.

By the way and despite what hoomins are saying I would like to once again try and clear my good name and to assure you that despite what my hoomins might say about meowself I’m not a bully and I’m not really bullying Tolkien when we are playing....we are only having a bit of fun and as I’ve said it before Tolkien can be such a drama queen sometimes and he likes making a lot of noise and acting like I’m trying to kill him or something....He is only faking it so hoomins wouldn’t be surprised when after his little performance they then find him asleep on the bed having forgotten all about the last attempt to his life by meowself....yeap he is only pretending....

Besides I’m not a violent cat and even when I occasionally might nibble on the hoomin’s nose and cheek is only out of affection, my own special way to show to my hoomin how much I care....I don’t really bite....I’m just being a little playful and affectionate to my hoomins!

Anymeows better stop now as it is getting late and I can hear Tolkien calling me as it is time for our late play session which I can assure you it would be as always very innocent and no biting or fur pulling would be really taking place....

Purrs and meows till next time!

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 2 November 2020

It’s not all about Tolkien you know...

Here I’m trying to have some time to meowself...dealing with hoomins and Tolkien can be very exhaustting you know!

Here we are again another week has just started and what week this might prove to be for many hoomins that is...maybe for us, cats too perhaps.

Anymeows I would like to meow a bit about the previous week though which I don’t really think that it was the best week for meowself that is. I mean we had a black cat day and Halloween all in one bad could it have been?  

Now don’t get me wrong I don’t think that black cat day is a bad day in anyway...any cat day is a good day and every day in the hoomins’ calendar should be a cat day in my opinion. Actually and now that I’ve thought about it I think that we should have every day of the week as a cat know Monday as ginger cats day for example then Tuesday for tabby cats, black cats day let’s say it can be another day of the week of course and we’d also have two days, let’s say Saturday and Sunday for black and white cats like meowself because there are many black and white cats out there and not enough appreciation it seems as hoomins prefer all other colours than the best ones that they can have, a combination of black and white! You know you are having the best there is the yin and yang in one cat...purrfection some might say! Yes celebrating cats every day of the week I think it is something that it needs to become law by the hoomins so they can show their appreciation for all of us and all the great things that we do everyday for them!

But anymeows I’d say it again that it’s not that I do mind having a black cat day as long as of course there is also a black and white cat day too. What I do mind though is the fact that unfortunately Tolkien is also a black cat himself which it means and as a result he gets too much attention by the hoomins because of these silly days including Halloween of course and all this attention it seems to be making my own life a misery…by himself getting rewarded for just being stupid and oh yes black too, pfft (by the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon)!

You know of course that I don’t really mind having Tolkien around despite the fact that he is too stupid to be a cat...but and despite all of his faults he has also his uses especially when you want to entertain yourself or get away with sometimes let’s say things that they might not always go according to plan....

What I do mind though is and during those special days including his birthday of course the fact that the hoomins are making too much fuss about him and then he gets a lot of unnecessary attention and a lot of that nice food that normally would have ended up in my own bowl...Besides Tolkien is too stupid to understand why hoomins are especially nice to him...he doesn’t even notice that he gets more attention than usual....that stupid he is, really!

Tolkien is really obsessed with that squirrel!

I’m not saying that I’m not getting any attention from the hoomins of course it’s just that he seems somehow to always manages to get that bit extra which I don’t think that he really deserves....after all it’s meowself that does all the hard work needed and the one who plays always the very cute part and the one that has to always remind them to fill up those empty bowls and to of avoid starvation ...if it wasn’t for my great skills we’d have spent a lot of time having empty bowls which believe me is a very bad thing when you are a cat!

And what  about Halloween and black cats? Why hoomins wanted Tolkien to pose next to the pumpkin and not meowself? I’m the cutest by a long shot...Tolkien is just cute not the cutest! Unacceptable! Hoomins should be taking photos of meowself only and not of Tolkien...he is not very catogenic in the photos you see!

Anymeows at least black cat day and Halloween are now over and we can at last go back to some kind of normality....Oh yes and before I forget. I’ve also heard some really good news which kinda cheered me up after that awful last week. Apparently all hoomins now have to stay indoors again and not go outside as they were doing recently.....which means that my own hoomins they’d also cut down on their outings and of course now again it means that they’d be again more birds and pfft squirrels too outside than hoomins to watch from the windows...ha ha! I prefer the birdies than the hoomins passing by you see! It’s about time that hoomins restarted spending some quality time again with their cats at home I say as it seems that they were spending far too much time outside unnecessary I think. Besides now it’s getting a bit too cold for the hoomins to be outdoors anymeows…

Well that’s all for this week.

Till next time purrs and meows!

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!

  You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon Well finally the last day of a...