I must admit my hoomins don’t get what they call ‘ill’ very often....well I think that they are not getting ill...they don’t show any of the obvious signs that is....I mean you can’t really miss it when they are ill because they are becoming unbearable....
You know one morning you wake up normally, you are your happy and cheerful self and you want to pass that cheerfulness to your hoomins of course by trying to wake them up so they can get up and get ready for the new day, you are doing all your normal routines, you know, sitting on their face, biting and licking any available and exposed extremities, knocking things from the table, messing up with the blinds, jumping on the toilet seats in the bathroom to make some noise, scratching at the carpet and furniture, etc, etc...you know normal daily stuff and then you get nothing from the hoomins, well at least the one who usually gets up first and prepares our breakfast! Absolutely nothing, no movement, not a sound not even a glimpse of an open eye....nothing, no reaction whatsoever!
Then of course you start to worry a bit. What’s wrong with hoomin why there is no reaction or any movement is she dead or something (the other hoomin won’t usually move for at least another half hour, he is the lazy one and least likely to go to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast, so there is no much point bothering him in the mornings...of course he has his uses later in the day, especially when it is time for snoozing or getting a bit of attention and playtime....but definitely not in the mornings!).
So for the next half an hour I try in vain to get up the hoomin up and things kinda look despair till of course it is time for the other hoomin to get up. Then you realise that something is not right with first hoomin as the second hoomin gets up and goes to the kitchen (unheard of) to prepare us our breakfast...of course and because he never gets involved with our daily feeding schedule and obviously because he doesn’t want to bother other hoomin, he gets it all wrong and gives us our dinner instead of our breakfast...you should expect that after all this time he would at least know what we usually have for breakfast and what for dinner but again we are talking about hoomins and some are not as clever or intelligent as others.....But of course what can you do, you have to eat after all so you eat what you have on your bowl because you are hungry and you meow a little to complain like Faith does (well she meows about everything anyway) but there isn’t much else that you can do....
So morning goes pretty quickly and other hoomin is still in bed with no much of a sound or movement under the covers....is she still alive, you know I was still wondering worryingly of course. So the second hoomin leaves and the other hoomin is still in bed and the house is very quiet....So and as there is much really to do than having a snooze myself and since hoomin was still in bed I thought that I’d better join her to keep her company and of course to know if and when she was likely to get up and perhaps go into the kitchen for a snack or something (she would had to get up at some pont….).
But of course and although the hoomin didn’t get up as normally as she would do in the morning because quite obviously she wasn’t feeling very well she nevertheless got up later on and checked that we all had been fed and topped up our bowls (I don’t think she trusted the other hoomin that he had actually fed us....hee hee...I wasn’t going to tell her that he had...she didn’t need to know in her condition) and checked that everything was OK before she went back to bed....
I must admit the whole day was a bit unusual, having the other hoomin doing a lot of the not well hoomins chorus (and not doing them well…you know some hoomins are quite bad at certain things than others…) but and at the same it wasn’t actually that bad as one hoomin stayed at home all day and I had somebody to sleep on the bed and got a lot of attention for being such a loyal and good cat....not bothering hoomin and keeping her company, you know doing a little bit of nothing....
Me getting some well deserved attention from hoomin! |
Hmmm, you know now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not sure that it was such a bad experience after all...maybe hoomins not being well and staying at home all day is not a bad thing after all, extra feeding and more attention must be a good thing...
Oh well at least my hoomins are specially nice to me now....they think I’m more loyal than the other two lazy ones....hee hee! That day worked quite well after all, more treats and attention for me!!
Purrs and meows till next time...