Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien

Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien
The misadventures of Ozzy and Tolkien at home

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Finally hoomins seems to realise how important we really are...

Here I’m in my new comfy spot which I’m not going to share with Tolkien...

So here we are again, another week has started and things seem to be getting better and better. You see I’ve always believed that despite all our efforts some hoomins didn’t seem to appreciate us or give us enough credit for all the things that we do for our hoomins on a day to day basis. So yes I do think that is about time that hoomins recognise how important we are and what a vital part we are playing in their lives....

So for the past few weeks now I keep reading more and more articles which seem to finally telling the truth about, us, cats and or important role that we are playing in our hoomins everyday lives. We are vital because we are not only keep our hoomins company these difficult times, while they are at home all the time but also we are also helping to keep them fit and healthy because we are so special and unique and of course extremely caring..and we can do things for our hoomins that no dog obviously can do....

You see a recent article which it was in the daily news explained why we, cats, can help our hoomins by simply being ourselves...

As everybody knows us, cats, like to purr a lot for our own reasons. Some hoomins of course seem to think that we do purr because this our own way to show happiness and contentment or because perhaps we are  frightened or threatened.  Which I can say it’s not that far from the truth really. Then the article went as far as to compare our purring with the hoomins tendency to smile which they seem to be doing not just when they are happy but also when they seem to be nervous and unsure, so therefore and according to some hoomins we also purr perhaps to encourage ourselves. Hmm…not so sure about this last statement though…I’d say that this bit is perhaps a little too far fetched...we don’t need to purr to encourage ourselves really....everybody knows that we are after all full of confidence so therefore we don’t really need any encouragement (By the way you can still read about meowself and Tolkien’s life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March 2020 arrived when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

It also said that we, cats, use our purrs to entice our hoomins to either pay more attention to us or even to feed us quicker....Hee hee the purrson that wrote that article doesn’t seem to know us very well then....Meowself and Tolkien do not purr, meow or do much to get our hoomins attention or to make them feed us quickly....they are in fact so well trained that they don’t need any reminders really.

We are no purring machines who just hypnotise our hoomins into doing what we want them to do.

 According to the same article we also purr for many other reasons as well, such as purring when we are in pain or labour (what? I can’t see meowself or Tolkien going into any labour any time now or in the future), when injured or ill, or even near death as this is one of the ways we often use to calm ourselves...although I must admit I’m always pretty calm meowself so I don’t need to purr to calm meowself...I let the hoomins rub my belly instead!

Silly Tolkien eating paper again...he is such a disgrace to the catworld!

And of course the article also mentioned that by purring we also comfort not only ourselves but our hoomins too...”And is it not comforting to have your cat sit or lay beside you and purr. I have found myself upset or not feeling too well and listening to the purring I have calmed down and even fallen asleep, waking up and feeling a whole lot better.” Ahhh....isn’t that nice. I like that hoomin who wrote that. Although my hoomins think quite the opposite apparently as they are keep telling me that I purr far too loud as I snore it seems....Well you can’t win them all I say!

Finally that article came up with some more good news as it seems that we are now the number one pets (sorry I don’t like that word....I prefer animal companions) in the US.... “In the U.S. it has been discovered that cats have become the number one pet over dogs. Cats have shown that they can do a much better job in lowering stress levels in their humans and even blood pressure and it can be as simple as the fact that their purring calms and relaxes.” Well this is a fact of course that every cat knows…we are too good for our hoomins!

So yes it seems that finally the hoomins realised how important we really are and how beneficial we can be to the entire world. We are the best companions hoomins can have....better than some hoomins some might even say!

Till next time 

Purrs and Meows

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 

Monday, 15 February 2021

There are many good reasons why hoomins should be sharing their homes with us, cats....

Here I’m posing for the hoomin again!

 So here we are another week has just passed and things once again haven’t changed much. Hoomins are still staying at home and they are getting more impatient as each day passes by. 

I mean I do sympathise with them as that they don’t seem to have any other choice at the momenr but and as I’ve said it before I don’t get it why they don’t like that much being indoors only hoomins like we are....they’ve got everything they need and most importantly they’ve got us, cats, of course which is something that they should be very grateful about. 

And it’s not just meowself that says so (or Tolkien although Tolkien doesn't have the mental capability to think such complicated thoughts really...By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

No it’s not just us cats who think so but other hoomins too as it was mentioned in a recent article written by a hoomin of course which I’ve read and it was telling the hoomins the many reasons why it is beneficial to them to live with a cat...naturally there are many benefits for the hoomins who live with cats as everyone knows but I’m not going of course to mention them all here as I’d need to waste a lot of time and energy which I can’t really afford to waste. So I’m just going to mention instead some of the benefits that article was referring to.    

Yeap Tolkien looking big and being stoopid again as always!

The first reason that it was mentioned was that us cats are apparently independent creatures and unlike dogs we don’t need to be taken out for walks, we don’t need much training and we can be left on our own for longer periods than any dog....hmmm not sure about this really....well of course we don’t need training as we are already purrfect or we need to go out for walks....brr it is after all too cold, noisy and overcrowded with dogs really outside. But I don’t think that we like being left on our own for long or even at all now that the hoomins are staying at home as we need our hoomins to make sure that we have always full food and biscuit bowls, we are entertained when awake and of course have company. Nobody wants to be left alone on an empty dark house really...

Another reason apparently was because we are not very loud, we don’t bark loudly and for no apparent reason like dogs often do. 

Well, I won’t disagree entirely here we are not really that loud, well at least most of us, although they are exceptions to the rule (take Tolkien for example who can be really really loud at times as he like hearing his own voice) as of course there are certain cats who do tend to meow a lot to get attention when they want it and some can be really loud. But at least we won’t meow or bark for no reason...we always have good reason to do so and some of us like meowself they never need as my hoomins understand me!

It was also mentioned that we are very easy to train. Let me be clear on this matter, cats don’t need training we are already purrfect but hoomins do....and they are not that easy to train them really but they do learn eventually....Cats don’t need to learn anything as they already know everything

Then it was the fact that because we don’t need to be taken out for walks and we are clean in general we are better suited for living in apartments....but again and as we are so considerate and easy going we can live anywhere from apartments to castles.

Another reason that the hoomin mentioned on the article is the fact that we can keep unwanted pests and other animals away....again this is another false assumption from some hoomins as not all cats (like meowself or Tolkien) like hunting innocent animals or birdies or even insects for that matter…we prefer instead hunting catnipped toys, balls and red dots. Birds and mice are good to watch not to hunt...

Other reasons are of course because we can be so affectionate to hoomins because we like them and we are even good for their health as everyone knows that stroking a cat is the best cure for everything. All good and true reasons of course, besides we are so soft and cuddly…dogs not so much!

And of course let’s not forget that dogs can be very expensive when it comes to their food and us after all cats don’t eat too much and we can so easily entertained with some daily boxes from Amazon and even pieces of string....besides and when it comes to food we can always let our hoomins share their food with us....their plate is always big enough to share! We don’t even need in some occasions scratching areas for stretching and claw trimming as we can always use what is available in the house such as furniture, carpets, curtains and even hoomins’ legs...see we can even save money for our hoomins because we care!

Yeap I totally agree, we are too good for the hoomins and they should always be grateful for having us around. After all living with a cat is a privilege for all hoomins and they shouldn’t forget it!

Till next time

Purrs and Meows.

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 8 February 2021

Hoomins are becoming more like cats....or is it the other way around?

Here I’m trying a new look...the mean meowself!

You know and as I have mentioned it many times before I meowself purrsonally I like having my hoomins at home all the time as there are more benefits in having your purrsonal servants at your disposal anytime you need them....What is the purpose of having hoomins after all when they are not around most of the day when you need them to keep food bowls full and entertain you after you had your daily naps and play with Tolkien?

So yes I’m glad that my hoomins are at home with meowself and Tolkien but there are unfortunately times when I tend to get annoyed with those other hoomins who they think that they know everything about cats and their relationship with their hoomins especially when they are getting things soo wrong and then they start accusing all cats and hoomins for things that we are not really responsible for or when they are talking and even writing about things that they are quite clear just lies and misinformation.

You see recently I’ve read an article about how hoomins seem to becoming more like their cats now that they are staying at home which it really upset me as it was quite clearly just fake mews!

After all and despite some hoomins might believe all cats have interesting lives and they don’t really need to go outside to go hunting and socialise with whoever...we don’t socialise with whoever only with our hoomins at home....and meowself and Tolkien don’t like hunting either unless we hunt of course running balls and toys stuffed with catnip....I like watching the birdies outside and I don’t want to hunt them....

So all these similarities that the writer mentioned that indoor hoomins have now with their cats are not real or make the hoomins be more like cats....I think actually that it is quite the opposite...we, cats are becoming more and more like our hoomins and we like it! So there…(By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon).

I can’t see any hoomins around with paws but my hoomins seem to have hands which they do wash more often than they’ve used to for their own reason I guess but and at the same time meowself and Tolkien we also don’t spend too much time cleaning our claws as our hoomins they frequently give us pawdicures...besides our paws and claws are always clean!

Also and to make it clear our hoomins have most definitely not become more territorial over things....on the contrary they like sharing things with us....their bed, sofa and chairs and even their food....This is one of the reasons that I like my hoomins because they do like to share their things with us!

I do admit though that they do like watching the birdies outside like we do and especially those pesky squirrels which meowself and Tolkien find as you probably know rather annoying...which of course it it a good and very entertaining thing to do whether you are a cat or hoomin.

Also my hoomins do not nap during the day like we do sometimes but they do instead like sleeping quite a lot and they don’t get up early in the morning like they’ve used to as they go to bed now really really late...which it is again a good thing as we can then all go to bed at the same time!

Also they are not really obsessed with food as such but they do like doing a lot of cooking and baking which is a good thing as the house always smells now very nice and there is always good food to share...

Silly Tolkien is trying to hide again...disgraceful attempt!

I must admit though that they have become a little obsessed with cardboard box deliveries as we seem to get a lot of them these days and we now have towers of boxes to play which it is of course a good thing considering that Tolkien has a special appetite for cardboard and he goes through a lot of them in a week... 

A for doing exercising and yoga...well not so much anymore as my hoomins have long passed that phase and now they seem to prefer instead spending a lot of their time sitting and watching TV which of course is one of my favourite pastime too...There is nothing better than stretching your paws on the sofa while watching your favourite nature programme or cartoon show...

 As for running in the house....well my hoomins don’t run inside or outside the house...they seem to even find it difficult walking from one room to the next and they don’t seem to like it when meowself and Tolkien do our daily exercises as they keep saying that we are making a lot of mess and leave too much fur on the carpet (they don’t even vacuum the carpets themselves anymore as that robot vacuum seems to be doing all the hoomins are so lazy!).

Of course my hoomins like meowself and Tolkien don’t like it when outside people ringing the door bell and they do get startled as it can be really loud and some people like pressing the darn doorbell just for fun but then again....there are all these almost daily deliveries which they need to be delivered.

And of course I totally dispute the fact that my hoomins are not looking after themselves anymore even if they are not going outside to be pampered as they’ve used to....they do seem to manage themselves quite well as well as they are pampering ourselves I’d say.

So there, see our hoomins are not becoming like us, quite the opposite they have only adopted our good behaviours and we have adopted theirs so everybody can live with each other happily at home...So don’t read and believe all these recent fake mews…we cats behave like cats and hoomins like hoomins…we have all simply adapted to the new changes in our lives indoors.

Purrs and Meows till next time

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Monday, 1 February 2021

Some hoomins got it wrong again it seems...and they are all lies!

Here I’m entertained by my hoomin as per my request of course.

So here we are February is here and things are still the same with the hoomins still at home all the time as it has been for a long while now. 

Of course I’m not the one to complain about having hoomins at home but I think that there are some hoomins that seem to believe that we are unhappy with the current situation as they appear to be spreading lies about us cats and our hoomins being at home and how we appear not to be happy with the whole situation.

You see my hoomins recently read something in the news that it said that having the hoomins at home all the time it can be stressful to some cats as they don’t like it getting all that attention,

Apparently there was some kind of research that some hoomins did and they found out that some cats don’t want their hoomins to be at home all the time and as a result of spending too much time at home with them they then tend to become aggressive and to get stressed and to act in peculiar ways. They also said that apparently us, cats are not getting really depressed like hoomins do but we don’t seem to like getting too much attention from our hoomins…

What a lot of nonsense I say....Who and where are those cats I’m asking. Show me proof that cats with common sense (and even Tolkien who everybody knows that the has no brains agrees with me here. By the way you can still read about our life at home and of course all about the good times we’ve used to have at home in the good old days before March when hoomins behaved like hoomins and they’ve used to go outside the hoomins comic Life with Ozzy.. and Tolkien available on Amazon) don’t like having their hoomins at home and instead they prefer to spend hours upon hours being on their own at home till the hoomins finally decide to come home....

Yeap these are lies that some hoomins seems to have come up to make us look bad....hoomins perhaps who they don’t like cats...or even worse they prefer dogs as companions instead.

Yes Tolkien again just being silly

I mean why any cat that lives indoors like meowself and Tolkien won’t want to have his hoomins being at home safe and sound and at their disposal constantly? Who wants instead to have to wait for hours for the hoomins to come home to fill up their food and biscuit bowls when you can have constant and uninterrupted supply of fresh food and treats when your hoomin servants are at home? And what’s wrong with getting a lot of attention from hoomins? Besides I don’t think that I’m getting enough attention even with the hoomins always being at home as they still have to do work and other things which means using valuable time on other things that they are not important instead of entertaining meowself (I entertain Tolkien of course so my hoomins don’t have to). Good thing that they are at home so I can then remind them that I’m being neglected and I need their attention when they are preoccupied for too long (and even help of course with their work so they can finish quicker). 

I can’t understand why any cat would behave aggressively towards his hoomins for getting attention, food and being entertained....unless of course the hoomins are mean and nasty to the cat in which case of course they should not be living with a cat or any other living creature that they can harm anyway.

So yes that article was very upsetting and definitely it was not telling the truth of the matter....we cats love having our hoomins at home all the time and that’s a fact.

Now of course I can’t speak about those dogs meowself….

Till next time

Purrs and Meows.

Before you go and if you want to check that mentioned above comic...Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien is now available to download or buy on Amazon

Ozzy and Tolkien would like to ask you to donate if you could so to help us with the ever expensive vet bills of our senior cats so they can have a good old age.  So please PayPal Ozzy and Tolkien’s hoomin. Thank you!

Don't forget to check my hoomin's site on Cat Behaviour if you want some advice...hoomin says that I am really good at giving good advice to hoomins! 


Finally this year is over….so let’s all hoomins and cats have a great New Year!

  You can read Ozzy’s comic  ‘Life with Ozzy and.. Tolkien’  which is available to download or buy on Amazon Well finally the last day of a...